Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace
An essential part of creating a safe and healthy workplace is recognising and promoting good mental health. Organisations, managers and all employees have a responsibility to create a safe working environment that is supportive of employees experiencing a mental illness.Changes in the workplace can have both positive and negative effects on the mental wellbeing of the staff. Employee responses to changes in the workplace depend on a number of factors, and an essential part in creating a safe and healthy workplace is recognising and promoting the mental wellbeing of the staff.
Certification is available upon successful completion and attracts 10 CNE/CPD points where applicable.

Safe Professional Boundaries
Explore the main concepts related to professional boundaries in the workplace with this self-directed online learning package produced by Davaar Consultancy. Come back again and again if you wish to review the materials, or get a refresher on concepts or strategies.
In these 15 units filled with short videos, models, theories, reading materials and reflective questions, you’ll increase self-awareness and understanding about the complexities and importance of professional boundaries. The course package benefits professionals, managers and administrative staff working in health, education, safety and customer service fields. Certification is available after full payment and successful completion and attracts 10 CNE/CPD points where applicable.
Please note: This package does not include live and/or virtual training.

Ethical Decision Making
It is envisaged that this Ethical Decision-Making course will deepen your understanding and appreciation of the importance of ethics in your profession. Through feedback and suggestions from professionals who have experienced ethical dilemmas in their personal and professional experiences, this course invites you to reflect on your own practice.
The course benefits professionals, managers, and administrative staff working in the health, education, safety, and customer service fields.
Certification is available upon successful completion and attracts 10 CNE/CPD points where applicable.
• Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence the decisions that professionals make in their personal and professional roles.
• Identify ways in which personal decisions/actions may affect/influence the professional role.
• Identify how the public’s perception of the professions may be affected by the decisions professionals take in their personal and professional life.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of professionals maintaining strong ethical, legal, and moral positions in their personal and professional life.
• Identify strategies that you can continue to implement, to assist in guiding your ethical and professional practice.
This package includes references to recommended readings to complement and support content. These will be linked to a separate page so that you can read them as you go through the package. Videos have been included to provide examples of unit concepts that are intended to increase awareness of the complexities of ethical decision-making. They should be used to stimulate the reflection of your practice and the practice of colleagues, as well as provide a forum for discussion between you and colleagues.
The assessment at the end of the tool requires you to complete a number of short answer questions and a reflective essay to demonstrate learning achieved from completing the tool. It is important to ensure you have completed the assessment and paid in full ($220.00 inc. GST) if you wish to receive a certificate.
Terms and Conditions
Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this publication (including without limitation; the text, code, artwork, photography, images, music, audio or video material, and audio-visual material in this training) may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owners – Davaar Consultancy, Training and Development Pty. Ltd. or when applicable, the referenced author or producer of supporting materials. All rights reserved. By purchasing access to this training tool, you agree to these terms and conditions.