Assessment – Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

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We suggest keeping a copy of your answers elsewhere in case your session is closed accidentally, or you decide to come back to complete your assessment at a later time.

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    Congratulations on completing our Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace Course. Please fill out your name as you would like it to appear on the certificate as well as your contact information and then answer all questions and then click [send]. This action will email this form with all your responses to Dr. Wendy McIntosh.

    We will email you a pdf of the certificate upon successful completion of the below assessment. If for any reason you do not pass the assessment, we will be in touch with you. You will be able to retake the assessment for no additional fee.

    If you find that this form won't allow you to click the send button, please copy all your responses to a word processing document or a text file, and use the Support page to contact us.

    Your name as you would like it to appear on the certificate (required)


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    Based on all that you have learned from the Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace Course, please answer the questions below. Click the submit button when finished.

    We highly recommend that you answer questions in a separate document and then paste answers here, as the form will not save if you lose connection, close the page or log off.

    1. List seven factors that may indicate that an individual in your workplace is
    experiencing symptoms of a mental illness?

    2. Presenteeism?

    a. What is meant by the term Presenteism?

    b. Discuss three interventions that companies can use to assist to address the issue of Preseentism:

    3. List five reported causes of stress in the workplace:

    4. What are three things to avoid saying to a colleague / employee who is experiencing symptoms of depression:

    5. List three strategies to implement to reduce stress in the workplace:

    6. Give five reasons why it is important to develop mental health strategies for employees in the workplace:

    7. Employers legal requirements - What are the legal requirements for employers in relation to the management of mental illness in the workplace?

    8. You hear a group of employees discussing a colleague who has a depressive illness. Their comments are negative and derogatory - Discuss the interventions that you would implement:

    9. An employee approaches you to say that they are feeling suicidal - What steps do you take?

    10. List three strategies that you currently, or can implement to look after your own mental health in the workplace:

    Certification takes 2-3 business days. We will email it in pdf form to the email address you provided above. Be sure to click [Send] below to submit this form.

    Thank you so much for taking the Davaar Consultancy Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace course! We hope it was both enjoyable and educational.

    If you have any additional information, comments or feedback for us, please enter them here. We appreciate all feedback, as it helps us improve our courses.

    Click [Send] to email your responses

    After completing your assessment, we would very much appreciate a few moments of your time to hear your thoughts on your experience of this training.