Assessment – Ethical Decision Making

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    Congratulations on completing our Ethical Decision Making Course. Please fill out your name as you would like it to appear on the certificate as well as your contact information and then answer all questions and then click [send]. This action will email this form with all your responses to Dr. Wendy McIntosh, and a copy to the email that you provide here.

    We will email you a pdf of the certificate upon successful completion of the below assessment. If for any reason you do not pass the assessment, we will be in touch with you. You will be able to retake the assessment for no additional fee.

    Please ensure you keep a copy of your answers elsewhere in case your session is closed accidentally, there are issues with the site, or you need to come back to complete your assessment later.

    If you find that this form won't allow you to click the send button, or you please copy all your responses to a word processing document or a text file, and use the Support page to contact us.

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    Based on all that you have learned from the Ethical Decision Making Course, please answer the questions below. Click the submit button when finished.

    We highly recommend that you answer questions in a separate document and then paste answers here, as the form will not save if you lose connection, close the page or log off.

    1a. List 4 principles of ethics and discuss your understanding of their application in your practice.

    1b. Choose three of the principles and give an example of how you have adhered / do adhere to same in your professional role.

    2. Name 5 unethical behaviours.

    3. Write a brief piece on your understanding of moral distress. Include a discussion on the impact of moral distress on an individual - emotional, psychological and physical. Include strategies that can be used to a) decrease the risk of moral distress (if possible), b) alleviate the impact of moral distress if it is being experienced by an individual / group.

    4. In her TED talk, Brooke Deterline (Creating ethical cultures in business) proposes four steps required for fostering an ethically courageous corporate culture. List the four steps below and discuss how you could integrate same into your daily ethical decision making practice.

    5. According to Applebaumn (2007) what are the 4 standards of decisional capacity?

    6. Why is it so important that you as a professional uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour when practicing in a professional capacity? (Consider your response in terms of your professional role and professional expectations).

    7. Give a brief description of your understanding of moral incompetence, unethical conduct and moral impairment as relates to professional ethics and give an example of each.

    8. Write a reflective piece of no less than 300 words. The piece must address the following:
    My understanding of professional ethics and ethical decision making prior to commencing this online tool. Learning I have gained from completing the tool. Strategies I have (will) integrate into my practice as a result of learning gained (include your rationale for same).

    Certification takes 2-3 business days. We will email it in pdf form to the email address you provided above. Be sure to click [Send] below to submit this form.

    Thank you so much for taking the Davaar Consultancy Ethical Decision Making course! We hope it was both enjoyable and educational.

    If you have any additional information or comments for us, please enter them here. We appreciate all feedback as it helps us to make our courses more useful for students, such as yourself.

    Click [Send] to submit your responses for certification:

    After completing your assessment, we would very much appreciate a few moments of your time to hear your thoughts on your experience of this training.