Final Assessment – Borderline Personality Disorder – More than a Name

    Congratulations on completing our Borderline Personality Disorder - More than a Name course and thank you so much for choosing Davaar Consultancy to supplement your education.

    Please Note: Your responses will not be saved if you close this form before completing it.

    We suggest keeping a copy of your answers elsewhere in case your session is closed accidentally, or you decide to come back to complete your assessment at a later time.

    We will email you a PDF of the certificate within 48 hours after the successful submission and completion of the questions below. If for any reason you do not pass the assessment, we will be in touch with you. You can retake the assessment for no additional fee.

    Please fill out your name as you would like it to appear on the certificate as well as your contact information, answer all questions, and then click [send]. This action will email this form with all your responses to Dr. Wendy McIntosh and a copy to your email address.

    Your name as you would like it to appear on the certificate *required

    Designation *required

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    Email *required

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    Based on all that you have learned from the Davaar Consultancy Borderline Personality Disorder course, answer the questions below. Click the [Send] button when you've completed the form.

    Note: We highly recommend that you answer questions in a separate document and then paste your answers here, as the form will not save if you close the page or log off.

    All questions must be answered.

    1. What is the characteristic feature of BPD?

    2. List five (5) of the major criteria for BPD:

    3. Give an example of an “invalidating environment” that an individual:
    a) may have experienced in childhood,
    b) may experience as an adult

    4. Fonagy, Campbell et al (2016) in their article 'Update on diagnostic issues for BPD' include information on Section III of the DSM-V for BPD – the alternative model for personality disorder.
    a) List the four (4) subcomponents of the Level of Personality Functioning cited by the authors:
    b) Discuss ways in which you could incorporate these four (4) subcomponents into the work you do with your clients to assist their growth in these areas of relating with others:

    5. Consider a client who you are currently working with (if not currently, a previous client) and identify three (3) resilient factors that you acknowledge in them:
    Write a brief example of ways in which you build these resiliencies into the work you do with that client:

    6. In his article 'Attachment Theory in Adult Psychiatry, Part 1' Kenneth Ma includes a summary of attachment categories.
    a) List the categories for infant and corresponding adult attachment.
    b) Consider a client you are working with; which attachment category do they mostly demonstrate. Give examples and discuss the ways in which you work within your professional role with them:

    7. Discuss your understanding of the Social and Cultural Atom and how you could use same with clients:

    8. What are the three (3) different role levels that can be used to assist you to understand clients you are working with:

    9. Discuss three (3) important professional boundary considerations when working with clients who have BPD:

    10. Write a brief reflection (300 words) addressing the following.
    My understanding of BPD prior to commencing this tool.
    Insight and learning I have gained about myself and clients from completing this tool.
    Ideas from this tool that I will integrate into my practice, and rationale for same:

    Do you have any additional comments for us? We appreciate all feedback as it helps us improve our courses for future students, such as you.

    Please click [Send] to submit your responses >>

    Certification takes 2-3 business days. We will email it as a PDF to the email address you provided in this form.

    After completing your assessment, we would very much appreciate a few moments of your time to learn your thoughts and experience of this training.