Costs Associated with Boundary Crossing/Violations
Client Costs
- Anger
- Sense of betrayal
- Loss of trust in professional
- Loss of trust in agency
- Perhaps have to leave area due to decreased trust
- Stress / distress
- Psychological, emotional costs
- Injury
- Death
Professional Costs
- Potentially – suspended / terminated from job
- Deregistered
- Loss of income
- Costs for legal bills
- Experience stress / distress
- Relationship difficulties in the family due to changed status in professional role / loss of income
- Psychological, emotional, physical costs
- Shame
- Guilt
Colleagues/Organisational Costs
- Sense of betrayal that a colleague let them down
- Suspicious / Hypersensitive to actions of other colleagues
- Poor publicity
- Increased insurance costs
- Difficulty with recruitment & retention
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