How do I report problems with the site or with my account?

Read this page to ensure that an answer to your question is not already provided. If your question remains unanswered, use the following instructions to create a support ticket.

For technical issues, please send an email about what you were trying to do, including details of any error messages you’ve received on the site to support@davaar.com.au and we’ll get back to you to help. Be sure you include the best email address for us to contact you.
This will create an automated technical support ticket, helping us to better respond to your problem and correct issues with our courses for future users.

For support related to course content or certificate related issues, please contact Wendy@davaar.com.au directly.

What do I do if my responses won’t save in the course?

This problem has occurred for a few students, and we’ve found that by using the logout option (top right under “G’day, xxx” and then restarting the browser (eg. Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer) before logging back into this course and trying again, the problem is usually fixed. Occasionally restarting the computer in addition to restarting the browser is what is required to resolve the issue.

How long does a course take to complete?

Since courses are self-directed, you’ll be working at your own pace. Some people complete a course in a couple of days while others take a few weeks, studying in their spare time. There is no expiration date, and your work is saved along the way. We encourage you to progress with thoughtfulness since increasing self-awareness and understanding around these complex subjects can be very beneficial.

Is this course graded?

No. Apart from the final Assessment, multiple choice and long or short answer questions within the units are non-gradeable. They’re designed to help you integrate the material and assess your own understanding of the content. When you see a ‘Try Again’ button, this is giving you the option of saving a different response, so that you can refer back to it as your understanding of the topic grows or for the final assessment.

The final assessment at the end of the course is pass/fail for certification. If for any reason you do not pass the assessment, we will be in touch with you.  You will be able to retake the assessment for no additional fee.

How do I receive certification?

Upon successful completion of the final assessment at the end of the course, your certification will be emailed to you in a pdf file for you to print.

Can I receive CNE/CPD credits?

If applicable, yes, you will receive CNE/CPD units upon certification. Refer to the details of each course for the number of CNE/CPD. We are actively seeking other accreditation, also.

Who supplies accreditation?

Currently, accreditation is only through The Australian College of Mental Health Nurses.

Does Davaar Consultancy offer live trainings?

Yes. Visit our workshops and group events calendar for more information.

What if my organisation would like professional supervision around boundaries?

Davaar Directors currently supervise many individuals & teams including public and private mental health and NGO staff. Learn more about our professional supervision offerings for groups or individuals.

Terms and Conditions

Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of the online training tools (including without limitation; the text, code, artwork, photography, images, music, audio or video material and audio-visual material in this training) may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owners – Davaar Consultancy, Training and Development Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. By purchasing access to any of our training tools, you agree to these terms and conditions.



Davaar Consultancy Training & Development is located outside Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.

If you would like to inquire about courses, certification, or trainings, please email Dr. Wendy McIntosh
at wendy@davaar.com.au or call her at 0411-385-573.

Professional Boundaries Training with Wesley Mission - Pine Rivers Day Respite Staff and Volunteers

Professional Boundaries Training with Wesley Mission – Pine Rivers Day Respite Staff and Volunteers